Wan wang – curriculum vitae

Three years of research experience in food science, especially in the areas of physicochemicalproperties of dairy proteins, delivery systems and food colloids.
Experience in teaching both undergraduate and graduate level courses. A strong commitment tohigh-quality teaching.
Three years of experience in lab management. Excellent communication, strong skills of critical thinking, problem solving, work planning and organization.
Professional AreasPhysicochemical properties of biopolymersDairy colloidal science Research InterestsProtein and polysaccharide interactionsProtein structures and functionalitiesFood emulsionsFood ingredient-based delivery systems Jan. 2011 - The University of Tennessee, Department of Food Science and Technology, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Concentration: Food Biophysics and Nanotechnology Dissertation: Whey Proteins Cross-linked by Transglutaminase or Glycated with Maltodextrin: Physico-chemcial Bases of the Improved Heat Stability Dissertation Committee: Dr. Svetlana Zivanovic, Dr. Federico Harte, Dr. Siqun WangExpected Graduation: December, 2013 Sept. 2007 - The University of Leeds, School of Food Science and Nutrition, Leeds.
Area: Food Science and NutritionThesis: The Effect of Sulfur Dioxide as a Preservative on the Flavor of BeveragesAdvisor: Professor Bronek WedzichaThesis Committee: Dr. Jianshe Chen Sept. 2003 - Huazhong Agricultural University, College of Food Science and Technology, Wuhan.
Thesis: Determination of Fungicides Residues in Ginseng Extract by Using Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection Jan. 2011 - The Food Biopolymer Group, Department of Food Science and Technology, UTK, Knoxville, TN.
Conducted research on physicochemical properties of whey proteins.
Conducted analysis on interactions of whey proteins with biopolymers.
Collaborated with Dr. Shinya Ikeda on the nanoscale structures of enzymatically cross-linked May - Aug. School of Food Science and Nutrition, The University of Leeds, Leeds, U.K.
Investigated the effect of sulfur dioxide used as a preservative on the flavor of beverages.
Conducted sensory evaluation of the threshold of sulfur dioxide addition in different beverages.
Nov. 2006 - College of Food Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China.
Proposed a novel method for extraction of fungicides residues from ginseng extractsDetermined the fungicide residues extracted from ginseng extracts using GC-ECD July - Sept. Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Hubei Province, China.
Participated in food and oil product quality tests.
Fall 2013 Food Analysis, FDST 415/516, Undergraduate and graduate level course, 16 students, Lecturer:
Prof. Qixin Zhong, Department of Food Science and Technology, UTK.
Responsibilities: gave lectures (2), assisted laboratory work, prepared assignment questions and gradedhomework, answered email queries.
Fall 2012 Food Engineering, FDST 541, Undergraduate and graduate level course, 20 students, Lecturer:
Prof. Federico Harte, Department of Food Science and Technology, UTK.
Responsiblities: demonstrated experiments, gave tutorials, conducted preliminary tests, prepared handouts, REFEREED PUBLICATIONS: Journal Papers and Book Chapters 2013 Wan Wang, Qixin Zhong, Zhixiong Hu. (2013) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,61, 435-446 Qixin Zhong, Wan Wang, Zhixiong Hu, Shinya Ikeda. (2013) Food Hydrocolloids, 31, 306-316 Wan Wang, Qixin Zhong. (2013) Journal of Agriculturaland Food Chemistry, In Preparation Qixin Zhong, Huaiqiong Chen, Yue Zhang, Kang Pan, Wan Wang. (201x) Micro-scale Vehicles for Effective Delivery of Bioactive Ingredients in Functional Foods, edited byCristina Sabliov, Hongda Chen, and Ricky Yada. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ., Submitted 2013 ADSA-ASAS Joint AnnualMeeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, US IFT Annual Meeting 2012, LasVegas, Nevada, US Wan Wang, Qixin Zhong. (2012) 11th Interna-tional Food Hydrocolloids Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, US Wan Wang, Qixin Zhong. (2012) 11th International Food Hydro-colloids Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, US 2013 Student Travel Award, College of Agriculture Science and Natural Resources, The University of 2012 Graduate Student Travel Award, Graduate School, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 20122008 Master’s Degree with Merit Award, University of Leeds, 20082007 Excellent Undergraduate Thesis of Hubei Province, Huazhong Agricultural University, 20072005 SRF (Students Research Fund) Award, Huazhong Agricultural University, 2005 Since 2013 Member of America Dairy Science AssociationSince 2011 Student Member, Institute of Food TechnologistsSince 2011 Member of Food Science Club , The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Nutrition and Health, Food Analysis, Food Biopolymers, Food Colloids, Food Chemistry, FoodBiochemistry, Chemistry of Flavor and Color, Food Allergic Reaction, Functional Foods, FoodMicrobiology, Design and Analysis of Biological Research Ph.D. Dr. Qixin Zhong (recipient of the 2012 Samuel Cate Prescott Award, IFT)
Food Science and Technology DepartmentUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville2510 River DriveKnoxville, TN 37996 Dissertation Dr. Svetlana Zivanovic
Dr. Federico M. Harte
Members Food Science and Technology Department Other references available upon request.

Source: http://www.wangwan.net/docs/Wan_CV.pdf


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