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Arthur’s Pass Outdoor Education Centre Risk
Analysis And Management System:
Activity: Scott’s Track Walk:
Updated April 2010 (from May 08, Nov 05, Jan 02 & Feb 99 updates of April
96 originals)
Key Risks:
Accident, injury or other form of loss:
A. Fall causing injury B. Object falling onto group/ individual C. Loss of individual/ group D. Drowning E. Hypothermia F. Illness G. Traffic accident H. Psychological harm Causal Factors and Risk Management:
People Hazards:
People Management:
1. Falling/ slipping on /off of track (A) 1. Identify key locations of risk i.e. lookout site and traverse above McGrath’s Creek. 3. Group splitting or individual leaving possible i.e. remove snow from steps. If 5. Group not taking responsibility for own snow/ice/water on track is too hazardous 6. Running/ pushing etc on road/ footpath 2. Supervise tricky sections while whole group passes. Keep group single file and jump on silliness early. Advise parents to watch for dangerous behaviour and to act 8. Stone throwing/ kicking causing injury such as bluffs and snow patches. Brief on 10. Dehydration/ exhaustion/ sunburn (F) 11. Personal health/toilet issues (C, F, H) dangerous behaviour. Maintain group in single file with no passing. 3. If kids likely to wander appoint an adult during activity. A tail end Charlie appointed and group notified. Always do number check after stops. Explain toileting protocol. 4. Keep TEC in sight where possible. Put slower members to front or split group in two if safe and practical to do so. 5. Need to consider own and others safety 6. Group carefully supervised while near from peers/parent. If an attention seeking behaviour minimise “audience”. Arthur’s Pass Outdoor Education Centre: 8. Hazards of stone throwing and kicking explained in briefing, enforce “no stone throwing” rule. 9. Arrange support and encouragement. 10. Make sure group carries sunscreen/sun hats/snacks/lunch and water. Take regular rests and monitor group. Do not spend more than three hours on snow in sun, limit time on snow to 30 minutes max if group not wearing sunglasses. 11. Toilet protocol explained at briefing. Manager carries toilet paper and spade. Sanitary items carried in FA kit. Be sensitive to privacy and needs of students. Teacher to notify manager of all serious health issues, check children are carrying medication required. Carry antihistamines and Ventolin in first aid kit.
Equipment Hazards:
Equipment Management:
2. Footwear inappropriate for activity. (A) 3. Wet frozen bridges or board walks (A) 4. Bridges/boardwalk/handrail collapsing 5. Car looses control near group or driver 3. Kick excessive snow ice off bridge and encourage use of handrails. Use side of track or if this will create too much damage turn back. 4. Observe bridge-loading signs. 5. Keep group on extreme right/East side of road and have one adult walk 30m either direction of group to act as lookouts for road crossing – front and back adults to wear reflective vests.
Environment Hazards:

Environment Management:
1. Do not go outside tree line in winter. sudden loss of visibility or changes in the weather, keep group together and always know your location. Carry map and compass at all times. Monitor temperature and wind-chill, keep group moving if cold. 4. Brief group on solar hazards. Group to Arthur’s Pass Outdoor Education Centre: together. Keep group well away from edges. Do not go above tree line in heavy rain or slippery conditions. possible and turn back if too dangerous. Supervise group through tricky sections one person at a time if needed.
Emergency Management:

APOEC first aid kit carried at all times. Manager has up to date FA and CPR skills. Van at lodge to shorten reaction/ evacuation time. Emergency response contacts for the area are in FA kits and lodge manual (in Kitchen). Manager to carry cell phone for emergencies. Group briefed on emergency procedures on arrival. The manager must always be able to split the group and still maintain adequate adult to child ratios. In emergency arrange for the return of the group to the lodge
Relevant industry standards applicable:
Manager has current First Aid/ CPR cert. Children must be supervised. Ratios are to be the lower of those accepted as the policy of the relevant school Board of Trustees or APOEC (1:6 for general activities, 1:5 for activities above 1300m ASL and 1:4 for water activities).
Notes/ recommendations:
• Always use number checks. • Min 4 adults on trip. • Thorough safety briefing required when each group arrives. • The teacher in charge is responsible for discipline of members of the group at all times. • Adults spread evenly through group. • Students with poor motor skills to have an adult buddy. • Do not walk on icy roads and wait for grit or a thaw. • Participation not compulsory. • Activity not to be run in exceptionally frosty/ slippery conditions. • Group must be adequately briefed on staying together and behaviour. • Take care not to get into a position where you are alone with any of the children. Take an adult
Skills required by staff:
Group management and sound outdoor leadership. Risk identification and management skills. Thorough knowledge of track and its hazards. Experience and skills to lead a group above the bush-line. This activity cannot be run in the absence of the APOEC manager
Arthur’s Pass Outdoor Education Centre:


JOEL FELIU I SAMUEL-LAJEUNESSE LUZ MARÍA MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ Para contestar de qué forma los conocimientos de nuestra disciplina hanmodificado las posibilidades de la acción humana, tendríamos que ubicar-nos en un punto de vista que considere que puede haber algún cono-cimiento, algún acto, alguna práctica que no afecte las posibilidades deacción de las personas. Pero si algún conocimien

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