Date month/day/year ______/______/_______ In order to provide you with the highest standard of dental care, please provide our dental office with the fol owing Personal Information and Medical and Dental Histories. The protection and privacy of your personal information is important to our office and we are committed to col ecting, using, disclosing this information responsibly. Please complete this form by neatly printing. ADULT PATIENT REGISTRATION INFORMATION Dr. Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms Other:___________ Name: (Last, First, Ini) In the future, please circle how we may contact you to confirm your appointments: Email or Telephone ( home or mobile ) Employer Name: Spouse’s Employer Phone Number: Is another family member a patient here at our office? Yes or No CHILD PATIENT REGISTRATION INFORMATION Name: (Last, First, Ini)
Address: (if different from above) Home Phone: (if different from above)
Is another family member a patient here at our office? Yes or No
INSURANCE INFORMATION Single Coverage Double Coverage
MEDICAL INFORMATION (circle one) Have you ever had extensive medical care?Yes or No
Are you presently under the care of a physician?Yes or No
Have you been hospitalized in the last 5 years?Yes or No
Have you had a medical examination in the last year?Yes or No
Do you have any allergies to any medication?Yes or No Do you have any al ergic conditions? (i.e. latex, metal, food allergies) ?Yes or No Have you ever been advised not to take a certain drug or medication?Yes or No
Has your Doctor ever told you to takeantibiotics prior to a dental procedure?Yes or No If yes, when? Please circle if you have a history of any of the fol owing:
Please circle either Yes or No to each question: Have you ever had any known contact with the AIDS
Has any member of your family had diabetes?
Have you had any weight changes lately?
Do you have any blood disorders such as anemia
Have you ever had radiation treatment or
Have you ever had an injury, surgery or x-ray
Do you have frequent earaches, ear/throat
Do you ever experience shortness of breath or
chest pain when walking or climbing stairs?
Have you had any organ transplants or medical
Do you have any disease, condition or problem
that you think the doctor should know about? Y N Describe
Is there anything about yourself that we
Have you ever been diagnosed or treated for
Have you ever taken any of these medications
Have you ever been diagnosed or treated for
If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, please provide the fol owing information: Name and phone number of your Primary Physician
Name and phone number of your Specialist
MALE PATIENT INFORMATION (Adult) Have you ever been diagnosed or treated for
If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, please provide the fol owing information: Name and phone number of your Primary Physician
Name and phone number of your Specialist
Is there a dental problem you would like to
Have you been given oral hygiene instruction
How often do you floss? Other cleaning aids used:
Are any of your teeth sensitive to: Cold
Have you ever had or do you now have any of the fol owing? (please circle) Bridges
Do you chew on only one side of your mouth?
Have you experienced any growths or sore
Do you grind or clench your teeth during the
Do you mouth breathe while awake or asleep?
Do you bite your lips or cheeks regularly?
Do you hold any foreign objects with your
Circle any of the fol owing that you are interested in: Orthodontics
How did you find out about our office? (circle one) Person’s Name
**We would greatly appreciate a notice of at least 2 full business days if you need to make changes to your appointments.**
IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ PART III: CONSUMER INFORMATION When it should not be used: Do not take APO-METOPROLOL/APO- METOPROLOL (Type L)/APO- Pr APO-METOPROLOL Metoprolol Tartrate Tablets USP Pr APO-METOPROLOL (Type L) allergy to metoprolol tartrate and/or its Metoprolol Tartrate Film-Coated Tablets ingredients present in APO-METOPROLOL/APOMETOPROLOL SRPr APO-METOPROLOL SR Me
GEBRAUCHSINFORMATION: INFORMATION FÜR DEN ANWENDER Neoxidil 2% Lösung zur Anwendung auf der Haut Minoxidil 2% Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, denn Sie enthält wichtige Informationen für Sie. Dieses Arzneimittel ist ohne Verschreibung erhältlich. Um einen bestmöglichen Behandlungserfolg zu erzielen, muss Neoxidil jedoch vorschriftgemäβ angewendet wer