The Year 2000 in Review
Though Royal Thai government has strictly focused on narcotics control
measures, the epidemic of drugs in Thailand still exists and tends more severe. Not only in
Thailand, the attractive incentive, the advancement of technology used by the traffickers’
syndicate, and the borderless of drug business boost drugs situation becoming the world
problem. . Comparing with last year, supply and demand of drugs remain in high level, and
border in the East. The major instruments
equipment and chemicals have not yet been
14.67 tons of dried marihuana, 1.95 tons of
controlled by any laws, especially caffeine,
kilograms of kratom plant, and 5.1 tons of
(1952). If this adjusted Act is passed by the
along the border in the North, and the rest
and transferring has to be permitted by the
instrument, 18.4 tons of caffeine, 800 liters
of acetone, and 5,000 kilograms of acacia.
Narcotics Suppression Centers are going to
be established along the borderline of the
illicit drugs transit routes changed from the
1,833 officials who got involved in drugs.
North to the West of Thailand. Previously,
sanction, and 188 of them were arrested in
recently, Tak Province is going to be a new
February 2000, the authorities could seize
quite successful in its effort for the fight
and Coordination Centres were established.
heroin, and 10,000 kilograms of caffeine.
A lot of smuggling drugs had been seized.
this region again. In 1999, the authorities
within the Bangkok Metropolitan area, they
organization, and people organization at a
educate the people to fight against drugs,
especially the juvenile in school and out of
school continuously. The slogan “Love our
combating drugs” has been raised for Thai
control, the illicit opium poppy cultivation
and the private organizations is the “State-
was estimated to decrease from 8 tons to 7
which has been done by various media.
stars, and singers joining to behave as the
Northeast. In 1999, the authorities could
good example for the youth. They are also
eradicate 25.43 hectares of marihuana. In
gathered under the “No Heart for Drugs”
marihuana, which passed through Thailand,
tons were exported to the third countries.
cooperation with various countries not only
measure, there is an effort to enhance the
treatment and rehabilitation centers.
Stated in order to help the addicts in the
assisting project established for helping the
drug patients in coming back to the society,
and reducing the relapse. Another project
create the key personnel for treatment and
rehabilitation operation with drug addicts.
control of drugs and precursor chemicals as
Officials Meeting and Ministerial Meeting
organizations in fighting against illicit
drugs in the world society still is the main
in Vientiane, Lao PDR. It intensified joint
action to reduce drug abuse and trafficking
1999 to 2000, Thailand has encouraged the
initiative to fight the increasing abuse of
bilateral, sub-regional, and international
levels continuously. In bilateral level, Thai
type-stimulants in the East Asia Region.
cooperation also covers the international
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