Family medical center


If your child is less than 4 years old, do not give any cough/congestion/runny nose medicines without consulting
your child's doctor.
When your child is sick:
• Increase fluids
• Use a cool mist humidifier to relieve congestion
• Use saline nasal spray and a bulb syringe to clear the nose of an infant
• Wash hands frequently
Medicines for Cough/Congestion/Runny Nose

Triaminic products
♦ Some may cause drowsiness
♦ May be given every 6 hours as needed
Do not use the products which also contain acetaminophen

Benadryl (diphenhydramine)
♦ May cause drowsiness
♦ May be given every 6 hours as needed
Dimetapp products
♦ Some may cause drowsiness
♦ May be given every 6 hours as needed ♦ Do not use the products which also contain acetaminophen

Pediacare products
May be given every 4-6 hours as needed (except Pediacare 24 Hour Allergy- which is once a day only) Do not use the products which also contain acetaminophen

Claritin/Alavert/Dimetapp ND (Loratadine)
• May be given once a day as needed

Zyrtec (Cetirizine)

Zyrtec Children’s Allergy Syrup 10mg/10ml
Pharmaceutical Glossary:
DM- Dextromethorphan (cough suppressant)
Call your doctor’s office if symptoms do not improve in _____ days, new symptoms occur, or you have other concerns.

Fever & Pain Medicines
Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Do not give cough medicines combined with Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol Cold) NOTE new dosing for Infants
Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil)

May upset stomach if taken on empty stomach. Do not give cough medicines combined with Ibuprofen (such as Advil Cold)


By Cheryl Coldwater, MD.

While there is no “cure” for infections caused by a virus, there are things you can do to help your child feel better until the virus
runs its course:
To relieve stuffy nose-
• Thin the mucous using saline nose drops. Ask your pediatrician which ones to use. Never use non-prescription nose drops • Clear your baby’s nose with a suction bulb. Squeeze the bulb first, then gently put the rubber tip in one nostril, and slowly release the bulb. This suction will draw the clogged mucous out of the nose. This works best for babies younger than 2 years. You can do this frequently when necessary, such as before feeding and before sleeping especially. • For older children, you can use a saline nasal spray. Spray into the nostrils whenever he/she is congested and have your child blow his nose to get the mucous out. You may also use a saline irrigation kit or Neti pot (both available in pharmacies). These can really help with the congestion caused by cold viruses and allergies. • Use a cool-mist humidifier in your child’s room. This helps to moisten the air and clear your child’s nasal passages. Be sure to clean the humidifier often. Do not use a steam vaporizer in a home with children since there is a great risk of burns. • Raise up the head of the bed. For infants, do not use a pillow, but you may prop up the mattress with a pillow under the • Do not use any cough/congestion/runny nose medicine without consulting your child’s doctor if your child is less than 4

To relieve fever-
Give your child acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Ask your pediatrician for the right dosage for your child’s weight. Don’t
give aspirin to your child because it has been associated with Reyes Syndrome, a disease that affects the liver and the
brain. Do not give cold medicines that also contain acetaminophen or ibuprofen- this could lead to an over-dosage of
these medications.

To prevent dehydration-
Make sure your child drinks a lot of fluids. He may want clear liquids rather than milk or formula. He may eat more slowly or not feel like eating because of trouble breathing through the nose. If your child’s virus doesn’t seem to go away, or seems to get worse, call your pediatrician. Your pediatrician will let you know
what the best treatment is for your child. In some cases, all you need to do is make sure your child gets plenty of rest and drinks
plenty of fluids. Other times, you child may need a medication. Most infections can be treated at home. However, if an infection
becomes severe, you may need to see the pediatrician or, rarely, go to the hospital.


Although there is no way to keep your child away from germs, there are some steps you can take to prevent them from spreading, including: • Make sure everyone washes his/her hands. Regular hand washing helps prevent the spread of germs. Wash hands after using the bathroom, before eating, after wiping the nose or eyes, after returning from school or daycare, after playing outdoors or touching an animal. • Keep your child away from anyone who has a cold, fever, or runny nose when possible. • Avoid sharing eating utensils, drinking cups, toothbrushes, washcloths, or towels. Wash dishes and utensils in hot, soapy • Never smoke around your child. Children exposed to smokers are more likely to have colds, allergies, asthma, and ear

CLC 9/5/2012


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