Relationship of Type II Diabetes and Metformin Use to Ovarian Cancer Progression, Survival, and Chemosensitivity Iris L. Romero, MD, MS, Anna McCormick, MD, DO, Kelsey A. McEwen, BS, SeoYoung Park, PhD,Theodore Karrison, PhD, S. Diane Yamada, MD, Silvana Pannain, MD, and Ernst Lengyel, MD, PhDOBJECTIVE: To estimate whether metformin use by and the diabetic patients who did not use metformin, ovarian cancer patients with type II diabetes was associ- respectively (P؍.03). The patients with diabetes received ated with improved survival. the same treatment for ovarian cancer as the patients METHODS: We reviewed the effect of diabetes and without diabetes. The association of metformin use and diabetes medications on ovarian cancer treatment and increased progression-free survival, but not overall sur- outcomes in a single-institution retrospective cohort. vival, remained significant after controlling for standard Inclusion criteria were International Federation of Gy- clinicopathologic parameters. necology and Obstetrics stage I–IV epithelial ovarian, CONCLUSION: In this ovarian cancer cohort, the pa- fallopian, or peritoneal cancer. Exclusion criteria were tients with type II diabetes who used metformin had noninvasive pathology or nonepithelial malignancies. longer progression-free survival, despite receiving similar The primary exposures analyzed were history of type II treatment for ovarian cancer. diabetes and diabetes medications. The primary out- comes were progression-free and overall ovarian can- cer survival. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II RESULTS: Of the 341 ovarian cancer patients included in the study, 297 did not have diabetes, 28 were type II diabetic patients who did not use metformin, and 16
It is estimated that two in five women born in the
were type II diabetic patients who used metformin. The
United States in 2000 will have type II diabetes
progression-free survival at 5 years was 51% for diabetic
diagnosed during their lifetime.1 Diabetes is associ-
patients who used metformin compared with 23% for the
ated with an increased incidence of most cancers and
nondiabetic patients and 8% for the diabetic patients
decreased cancer survival.2 Understanding how dia-
who did not use metformin (P؍.03). The overall survival
betes influences cancer treatment and prognosis is of
at 5 years was 63%, 37%, and 23% for the diabetic
particular importance in cancers that have high mor-
patients who used metformin, the nondiabetic patients,
tality rates, such as ovarian cancer, which is the mostlethal gynecologic cancer.3 Although limited, the
From the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology/Section of Gynecologic
available data suggest that ovarian cancer patients
Oncology–Center for Integrative Science, Health Studies, and Medicine/Sectionof Endocrinology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
with type II diabetes have decreased survival.4,5
Supported by grants from the Reproductive Scientist Development Program
It is biologically plausible that the hyperinsulin-
(National Institutes of Health 2K12HD00849-22) and the Gynecologic Cancer
emia and hyperglycemia induced by type II diabetes
Foundation/St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness (to Dr. Romero). Dr. Lengyel
promotes tumorigenesis. Insulin stimulates the
holds a Clinical Scientist Award in Translational Research from the BurroughsWellcome Fund and is supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute
growth of cancer cells by activating insulin-like
growth factor I and decreasing insulin-like growth
Corresponding author: Iris Romero, MD, University of Chicago, Department of
factor binding protein.6 Hyperglycemia provides a
Obstetrics and Gynecology, 5841 South Maryland Avenue, MC 2050, Chicago,
nutrient-rich microenvironment for rapidly dividing
IL 60637; e-mail:
cancer cells, which have elevated metabolic demands
Financial Disclosure
and consume glucose at a higher rate than normal
The authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest.
cells.7 Consistent with this concept, elevated plasma
2012 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Publishedby Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
glucose levels at the time of ovarian cancer cytore-
ductive surgery are predictive of decreased survival.8
Interestingly, metformin, a diabetic treatment
unaware of the individual’s cancer survival status. All
that reduces both insulin and glucose levels, may have
records of diabetic patients were reviewed again by a
anticancer effects.9 Epidemiologic studies indicate
second blinded investigator (I.R.). For secondary re-
that patients who use metformin have decreased
view of records for nondiabetic patients, the entries in
cancer incidence10,11 and increased cancer surviv-
the dataset were consecutively numbered and every
al.11–14 Preclinical studies also corroborate the antitu-
tenth medical record was reviewed again.
morigenic effect of the drug in breast, prostate, and
The primary exposures of interest for the study
colon cancer.15–17 In ovarian cancer, two preclinical
were a history of type II diabetes and the type of
studies have shown that metformin inhibits the pro-
diabetic medications used. The primary outcome
liferation of cancer cell lines in a dose-dependent and
measures included progression-free and overall sur-
vival. Recurrence was defined using previously pub-
Based on preclinical evidence of a strong antican-
lished clinical criteria22 and included evidence of
cer effect, we hypothesized that the use of metformin
reappearance of the cancer by clinical examination
may be associated with improved ovarian cancer
(eg, tumor, ascites), new tumor findings on computed
outcomes. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated
tomography or ultrasound scan, or an increase in CA
whether ovarian cancer patients with type II diabetes
125 two times or more the upper limit of normal (70
who used metformin had increased progression-free
units/mL). Progression-free survival was calculated
from the date of diagnosis until the date of ovariancancer recurrence or death. Patients without recur-
rence or death were censored at last follow-up. Over-
This is a retrospective, single-institution, cohort study
all survival was calculated from the date of diagnosis
utilizing an established dataset of women treated for
until death from ovarian cancer or the observation
ovarian cancer at the University of Chicago from 1992
was censored as of the date of last follow-up. The six
to 2010. All women with International Federation of
patients out of 341 who died from causes other than
Gynecology and Obstetrics stage I–IV epithelial ovar-
ovarian cancer were censored at the time of death.
ian, fallopian, or peritoneal cancer were included in the
All statistical analyses were performed using R
study. We identify, and refer to, these three cancers as
2.11.0 (The R Project for Statistical Computing,
ovarian cancer because of their common origin in the For comparison, the co-
Mu¨llerian epithelium. Patients were excluded from the
hort was stratified into three groups: patients without
study if they had noninvasive pathology, nonepithelial
diabetes, patients with diabetes who did not use
malignancies, or nonovarian primary cancer that had
metformin, and patients with diabetes who used met-
metastasized to the ovary. They were also excluded if
formin. F tests were used for comparing continuous
they did not receive their primary cancer treatment at
variables and the Fisher exact tests were used for
the University of Chicago but were only treated for
categorical variables. Kaplan-Meier survival curves
recurrences. The study was approved by the institu-
were plotted for the three groups and compared with
tional review board at the University of Chicago.
log-rank tests. Of note, in the metformin group, the
As previously reported, the ovarian cancer data-
event rates and the duration of follow-up were not
set contains information on clinicopathologic param-
sufficient to estimate the upper limit of the confidence
eters, treatment, and outcomes.20,21 All pathologic
interval (CI) of progression-free and overall survival.
diagnoses had been confirmed by a subspecialty-
These CIs are reported as not estimable. A Cox
trained gynecologic pathologist. Follow-up data were
proportional hazards model was used to estimate
obtained from medical records at the University of
hazard ratios (HRs) for progression-free and overall
Chicago, the Illinois Cancer Registry, the United
survival while adjusting for confounders. For model
States Social Security Index, and by communicating
selection, a univariable Cox regression was per-
with physicians involved in the patient’s care. For this
formed with each of the potential confounders, and
study, an additional chart abstraction was performed
those found to be significant in predicting recurrence or
to extract data pertaining to diagnoses of diabetes,
survival were included in the final model. The resulting
diabetic medications, body mass index, glycosylated
Cox regression calculated the HRs for diabetic patients
hemoglobin A1C, fasting glucose, and renal function.
who used metformin and diabetic patients who did not
Fasting blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin
use metformin, with patients without diabetes as the
A1C values were missing for a large portion of the
reference group. The HR of diabetic patients who used
cohort, prohibiting analysis of these variables. The
metformin relative to diabetic patients not using met-
person abstracting the data regarding diabetes was
Romero et al Metformin Use and Ovarian Cancer SurvivalOBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
patients who used metformin (nϭ16). Among the met-
The study included 341 women. The cancer types
formin users, five used only metformin, four used met-
included epithelial ovarian (nϭ273), fallopian (nϭ34),
formin and insulin, and seven used metformin plus
and peritoneal (nϭ34) cancer. The median duration of
another oral antidiabetic agent. The baseline character-
follow-up was 63 months (range 1–245 months). For
istics of the three groups are reported in Table 1. The
comparison, the cohort was stratified into three groups
patients with diabetes were more likely to have higher
as follows: nondiabetic patients (nϭ297), diabetic pa-
body mass indexes, and to be African American than
tients who did not use metformin (nϭ28), and diabetic
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics and Ovarian Cancer Treatment of Study Cohort Diabetic Patients Not Diabetic Patients Nondiabetic Patients Using Metformin Using Metformin P
American Society of Anesthesiologists class
BMI, body mass index. Data are n (%) or meanϮstandard deviation unless otherwise specified. American Society of Anesthesiologists class was determined at time of surgery. * Patients were excluded from the analysis if they declined chemotherapy or if chemotherapy was not indicated (eg, International
Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics 1A).
† Among the patients who did not receive a taxane, all received cytoxan except five patients in the nondiabetic group. ‡ Platinum-sensitiveϭno recurrence of disease for 6 months or more after the end of chemotherapy. Patients who did not receive
platinum agent or did not complete six cycles of chemotherapy were excluded from platinum sensitivity analysis. Romero et al Metformin Use and Ovarian Cancer Survival
The patients with diabetes received the same
treatment for ovarian cancer as the patients without
diabetes. The rate of primary cytoreductive surgery
with residual disease smaller than 1 cm after surgery,the type of chemotherapy agent used, and the meannumber of chemotherapy cycles were comparable
among the groups. Despite the long study interval (18years), 95% of patients received both platinum-based
and taxane-based chemotherapy; the most commonagents were carboplatin (72%) and taxol (94%). Theresponse to chemotherapy was assessed using the
clinical parameter of platinum sensitivity, defined as 6months or more without recurrence of disease afterthe end of chemotherapy. The group using metformin
had the highest percentage of patients sensitive toplatinum chemotherapy, although the difference did
not reach statistical significance (Pϭ.18) (Table 1).
Despite similar ovarian cancer treatment, the
type II diabetic patients who used metformin had
longer progression-free and overall survival. The pro-
gression-free survival at 5 years for diabetic patientswho used metformin was 51% (median 72 months,
95% CI 13.3–not estimable) compared with 23%(median 16 months, 95% CI 13.9 –19.5 months) forpatients without diabetes and 8% (median 10 months,
95% CI 13.3–37.2 months) for the diabetic patientswho did not use metformin (log rank test Pϭ.03; Fig. 1A). The overall survival at 5 years for diabetic
patients who used metformin was 63% (median 138months, 95% CI 31.1–not estimable) compared with37% (median 42 months, 95% CI 35.1– 49.6 months)
for patients without diabetes and 23% (median 35
months, 95% CI 24.6 –54.3 months) for the diabeticpatients who did not use metformin (log rank test
Pϭ.03; Fig. 1B). The difference in survival could notbe explained by stage, grade, or histologic subtype,
because the tumor characteristics of the three groupswere similar (Table 2). Fig. 1. Kaplan-Meier estimates of survival outcomes. The
In a survival analysis adjusted for confounders,
three groups are ovarian cancer patients with type II
when comparing diabetic patients who used met-
diabetes using metformin (nϭ16), ovarian cancer patientswithout type II diabetes (nϭ297), and ovarian cancer
formin to diabetic patients who did not use met-
patients with type II diabetes not using metformin (nϭ28). P
formin, the metformin group had a significantly de-
values are from the log-rank test. A. Progression-free sur-
creased hazard for disease recurrence (HR 0.38, 95%
vival. B. Overall survival.
CI 0.16 – 0.90). The metformin group also had a
Romero. Metformin Use and Ovarian Cancer Survival. Obstet
decreased hazard of dying (HR 0.43, 95% CI 0.16 –
1.19), but this difference was not statistically signifi-cant. Variables significantly predictive of progression-
excluded from the models were American Society of
free or overall survival (or both) and included in the
Anesthesiologists class, ethnicity, and history of car-
models were age, body mass index, creatinine, Inter-
diovascular disease. The hazards for both disease
national Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
recurrence and dying were also lower in patients with
stage, tumor grade, residual implants larger than 1cm
diabetes who used metformin when compared with
after surgery, and histologic subtype. The variables
the group without diabetes, but this reduction was not
that were not significant predictors of survival and
statistically significant. In contrast, patients with dia-
Romero et al Metformin Use and Ovarian Cancer SurvivalOBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY Table 2. Tumor Characteristics Diabetic Patients Not Diabetic Patients Nondiabetic Patients Using Metformin Using Metformin P
FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Data are n (%) unless otherwise specified.
betes who did not use metformin had an increased
On activation, adenosine monophosphate-activated
hazard of ovarian cancer recurrence (HR 1.42, 95%
protein kinase contributes to energy conservation by
CI 0.87–2.33) and an increased hazard of dying from
decreasing cancer cell proliferation.23 Second, insulin
ovarian cancer (HR 1.33, 95% CI 0.77–2.28) when
and glucose promote tumorigenesis6,8 and, through
compared with patients without diabetes (Table 3).
inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis and increasing in-sulin sensitivity, metformin decreases both insulin
and glucose levels.24 Finally, clinical and laboratory
In a single-institution retrospective cohort, we found that
studies indicate that metformin may improve re-
ovarian cancer patients with type II diabetes who used
sponse to chemotherapy.25 In a study of neoadjuvant
metformin had increased progression-free survival, but
chemotherapy for breast cancer, Jiralerspong et al26
not overall survival, when compared with type II dia-
reported that diabetic patients who used metformin
betic patients who did not use metformin. These find-
had a pathologic complete response rate of 24%
ings are consistent with those of Landman et al13 who
compared with an 8% pathologic complete response
analyzed a prospective diabetic cohort and found that
rate among diabetic patients who did not use met-
diabetic patients who used metformin had an adjusted
formin. In our ovarian cancer cohort, we also noted
overall cancer mortality hazards ratio of 0.43 (95% CI
that the type II diabetic patients who used metformin
0.23–0.80) when compared with diabetic patients not
had the best response to chemotherapy.
using metformin. In fact, we report a similar magnitude
The findings reported here are provocative, but
of risk reduction in ovarian cancer patients.
given the retrospective study design, they can only be
The suggestion that metformin use is associated
considered hypothesis-generating and should not be
with improved ovarian cancer outcomes may not be
generalized to clinical practice at this time. That being
intuitive to most gynecologists because patients with
said, the study has some notable strengths. We in-
type II diabetes have more comorbidities. However,
clude an analysis of the association of metformin use
our findings are congruent with the translational
and ovarian cancer survival, whereas previous studies
research that has demonstrated a distinct anticancer
have only examined the association of diabetes and
effect of the drug in several cancers (eg, breast,
ovarian cancer survival without consideration of dia-
prostate, colon), including ovarian cancer.15–19 Three
betic medications.5 Also, by using a large ovarian
possible mechanisms have been proposed. First, the
cancer dataset that contained detailed chemotherapy
anticancer effect of metformin may be a result of the
and platinum sensitivity data, we were able to esti-
activation of a critical energy sensor in cancer cells,
mate the relationship between metformin use and
adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase.
response to chemotherapy. Finally, the homogeneity
Romero et al Metformin Use and Ovarian Cancer SurvivalTable 3. Cox Proportional Model Hazard Ratios for Progression-Free and Overall Survival Progression-Free Survival P Overall Survival P
FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics; BMI, body mass index. Data are hazard ratio for recurrence (95% confidence interval) unless otherwise specified. * Alternative parameterization with diabetic patients not using metformin as a reference group is presented to show the direct
comparison between diabetic patients not using metformin and diabetic patients using metformin.
† Modeled as continuous variables. ‡ Creatinine level at the time of ovarian cancer diagnosis. Creatinine predicted overall survival but not progression-free survival.
of ovarian cancer treatment among diabetic patients
antitumorigenic effects. The idea that specific diabetic
and nondiabetic patients in the cohort allowed us to
treatments affect cancer survival is clinically relevant
make relatively strong inferences about the effects of
given the increasing prevalence of diabetes. According
to the World Health Organization, 171 million people
An important limitation of the study was the
worldwide have type II diabetes, and this number is
small sample size. The sample size limited our ability
expected to double by 2030.27 If future studies continue
to detect a difference in survival between diabetic
to support the protective effect of metformin in cancer,
patients using metformin and patients without diabe-
then this will be an important consideration when
tes. Based on retrospective power calculations, assum-
managing diabetic patients with cancer.
ing a true HR of the magnitude reported here andassuming that 5% of ovarian cancer patients have type
II diabetes and use metformin, for progression-free
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st ppeN KaN. i n het UZA zijn verschillende tabako- De meeste mensen die het rookstop- zuigtabletten of inhalers, vrij verkrijg-informatie, de arts schrijft onder meer ook rookstophulpmiddelen voor, maar rokers kunnen bij het viertal ook programma van zes maanden. Dat geeft de grootste kans op succes. je doet het niet alleen rooKVrij ZieKeNHuis negen gesprekken van maximaal anderha