"G" - Articles Finder:

Application note cobas c501 v08-mars 201

For in vitro diagnostic use only General Information 2-8ºC. Below -20ºC for at least 10 years (submitted Clinical Intended Use Chemistry November 2010). Mix samples well before The Gentian Cystatin C Immunoassay is an in vitro diagnostic analysing. The samples may be shipped without special test for quantitative determination of cystatin C in human serum cooling, but must then


Ehrungen Anlässlich des Neujahrsempfangs ist es gute Tradition und mir auch ein persön-liches Anliegen, einigen der heute Anwesenden Dank zu sagen, stellvertretend - im vergangenen Jahr für unsere Gemeinde in den verschiedensten Berei-ihren Dienst am Nächsten höchstens für ein kleines Dankeschön verrichtet ehrenamtlich engagiert waren, um unsere Gesellschaft lebenswert und at-oder

Myozyme, inn-alglucosidase alfa

DENOMINATION DU MEDICAMENT Myozyme® 50 mg poudre pour solution à diluer pour perfusion. 2. COMPOSITION QUALITATIVE ET QUANTITATIVE Un flacon contient 50 mg d’alpha alglucosidase. Après reconstitution, la solution contient 5 mg d’alpha alglucosidase* par ml et après dilution, la concentration varie de 0,5 mg à 4 mg/ml. *L’α-glucosidase acide humaine est produite par

Iccac03- sentry mlsb half

Recent Declines in ß-Lactam and MLSB Resistances Among S. pneumoniae and Age-Related Effects: Report from the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program (North America, 1997 - 2002) RN JONES, DM JOHNSON, HS SADER, TR FRITSCHE The JONES Group/JMI Laboratories, North Liberty, IA A M E N D E D A B S T R A C T M A T E R I A L S A C D S ( C o n t i n u e d ) Background: The


B4 School Check: This is a check for children aged between 4-5yrs. We are doing this check by nurse clinic appointment only. Once an appointment is made through the nurses, a booklet and consent form is sent out for parents to fill in. 1) Health questionnaire filled in by the parent. 2) Developmental assessments done by the nurse (involves the nurse asking child to 3) Parental evaluatio

Microsoft word - diabetes mellitus type 2 doh draft.doc

DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 Lifestyle modification as part of initial management Measure HbA1c every 3 months depending on Have lifestyle modifications been successful? Consider oral hypoglycaemic agents Is there renal and/or cardiac dysfunctionConsider either metformin or a sulphonylurea Optimise dose of oral hypoglycaemic agent If patient on sulphonylurea and has normal renal


International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia (2005) 14, 147–158Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijoa.2004.09.008The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guide-lines for caesarean sections: implications for the anaesthetistDepartment of Anaesthesia, Poole Hospital, Dorset, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Princess Anne Hospital, Southampton, Departme


WADA Prohibited List 2010 – Preliminary Information. On October 1 WADA released the Prohibited List which will apply across all sports from January 1 2010. There are significant changes to the List - some of them are technical but two in particular will have significant effects on athletes and doctors. Drug Free Sport NZ will provide more information and updated resources later in th


GEBRAUCHSINFORMATION: INFORMATION FÜR DEN ANWENDER Thrombo ASS 75 mg-Filmtabletten Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie mit der Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels beginnen. - Heben Sie die Packungsbeilage auf. Vielleicht möchten Sie diese später nochmals lesen. Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker. Dieses Arznei


GEBRAUCHSINFORMATION: INFORMATION FÜR DEN ANWENDER Neoxidil 2% Lösung zur Anwendung auf der Haut Minoxidil 2% Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, denn Sie enthält wichtige Informationen für Sie. Dieses Arzneimittel ist ohne Verschreibung erhältlich. Um einen bestmöglichen Behandlungserfolg zu erzielen, muss Neoxidil jedoch vorschriftgemäβ angewendet wer


J.A. Leey et al. The American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Cost-Effectiveness of Genotype-Guided Warfarin Therapy for Anticoagulation in Elderly Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Julio A. Leey, MD, MSc1; Steve McCabe, MD, MSc2; Jennifer A. Koch, MD3; and 1Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Lipid Research, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri;


GC® GOUT CARE CLEANSING AND HEALING: There are a few ways to approach the cleansing and healing of uric acid overload. For some, a ‘shock’ to the system can get things moving rather quickly and force the healing to take place at a fast pace. For others, this ‘shock’ can prove to be too much and cause the situation to become worse, before getting better. For this reason, we have outli

Txtg - 31988l0378 - bas-cen

Council Directive 88/378/EEC of 3 May 1988 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning the safety of toys Official Journal L 187 , 16/07/1988 P. 0001 - 0013 Finnish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 8 P. 0106 Swedish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 8 P. 0106 COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 3 May 1988 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning the safet

Microsoft word - 07-12 pv cm 10 décembre 2007.doc



Bubbar Darshan Kumar, The Angles Architects Kadam Sagar Motiram, Hindusthan National Glass & Banglades Bubbar Chanfrika Darshan, The Angles Architects Kanorwala Mustansir Abbas, Architect Mustansir Abbas Ullah Muhammad Ahsan, Ahsan Ullah Technology Chauhan Dharmendra Singh, Alpha Safety Glass Chettiar Jonita, Dow Corning India Pvt. Ltd. Kapila Onkarnath, Dia Nippon Technographics Pv

Press release

Sandoz ensures continued supply of levothyroxine sodium in Japan Tokyo, Japan, April 01, 2011 – Sandoz K.K. is pleased to announce that it has recently started importing levothyroxine sodium to meet the needs of Japanese patients, following the disruption of the product’s supply by the devastating effects of the natural disaster. The earthquake and tsunami that occurred on March 11

Microsoft word - res 2013.doc

646.428.5250           garral@.ymail.com            www.garragraphics.co.nf Mybeautique.com, Brooklyn, NY RESPONSIBILITIES: Custom built member-based forms , forum and interactive drag-n- drop interface for touch devices and mouse • Web architect and database implementation • PHP, MYSQL, JavaScript, Jquery UI and OpenCart Social network integration • Custom dig

Microsoft word - 5-htp.doc

5-HTP - 5-Hydroxytryptophan aus Griffonia Simplicifolia Hilft beim natürlichen Einschlafen. Verringert die Schmerzempfindlichkeit. Wirkt als natürliches Mittel gegen Depressionen. Lindert Migränekopfschmerzen. Hilft bei der Verminderung von Angst und Stress. Hilft bei der Linderung einiger Symptome von biologischen Störungen im Körper, die durch Alkohol ausgelöst werden, und ist e

Nitroglycerine 2008 october

Nitroglycerine for Ischemic Chest Pain Protocol Preamble Ischemic chest pain is caused by decreased blood flow through the coronary arteries. Nitroglycerine dilates the coronary arteries and may increase myocardial blood flow, relieving ischemic chest pain. Requirements 1. Fully licensed Technician-Paramedic. 2. Certification in nitroglycerine for ischemic chest pain pro

Microsoft word - gmg goat supply list.doc

General Supply List “Natural Goat Care” by Pat Coleby Kelp Copper Sulfate (use very carefully and in micro amounts) Dolomite (use in conjunction with copper sulfate to prevent overdosing copper) Loose minerals formulated for goats Baking soda (keep in one of the mineral compartments – goats will eat as needed) Collars (unless you have horned goats) Disbudding iron (unless you plan to


AUDREY HIXThe Relationship Between Critical Flicker Fusion Frequency and Arterial Resting Blood Pressure(Under the Direction of BILLY R. HAMMOND JR.)The relationship between the cardiovascular and visual systems was examined via critical flickerfusion frequency (CFF) and resting systolic blood pressure (SBP). Three different studies wereconducted. Study 1 assessed and found a significant positi

Sansele moldovei revista 22.do

Sansele Moldovei: Occidentul european, sprijinul roman si American (RODICA PALADE) O dezbatere despre alegerile din Republica Moldova, dupa alegerile parlamentare din 6 martie, "schimbarea la fata" a presedintelui Vladimir Voronin si relatiile Chisinaului cu Romania, Rusia si Uniunea Europeana, vazuta de pe ambele maluri ale Prutului. Participa Lucian Leustean, secr


Postal Address: GPO Box 21, Adelaide, South Australia 5001 Grounds: St. Mary’s Park, Laura Ave, St. Mary’s Hot Weather Policy The health and safety of members and supporters, is of primary concern to the Gaelic Football and Hurling Association of South Australia. Our Association acknowledges that skin cancer is a major public health problem in Australia, with two out of every three


Onzième séance du Conseil Municipal du 30 mars 2009 à 20 heures sous la présidence de M. Joël NIEDERLAENDER, maire Sont présents : MM. Norbert SCHUSTER, Jacques LAMBERT, Bernard FRANCK, Hubert PFIRSCH, Mme Ginette GILLIG, MM. Jean-Marc NIEDERLAENDER, Christian ULTSCH, Bernard JUNG, Michel BOCK, Mme Nathalie SPANIOL, M. Michel THIL, Mme Anna KOEPPEL, MM. Michel METZGER, Robert NIMSGERN,


ATTACHMENT Form 08-3d NCAA Banned-Drug Classes 2008-09 The NCAA list of banned-drug classes is subject to change by the NCAA and related compounds Executive Committee. Contact NCAA education services or for the current list. The term “related Other anabolic agents compounds” comprises substances that are included in the class by their pharmacological action and

Microsoft word - global current 2014.doc

Disease Management ABOUT OUR FORMULARY FORMULARIES What is a formulary? “Open” Formulary A formulary is a listing of prescription medications that are preferred for use A plan that has adopted an “Open” formulary allows coverage for both by a plan and are dispensed through participating pharmacies to covered formulary and non-formulary drugs. Drug coverage is not d

Doa cross-reactivity manual by generic name march 2005.xls

Drugs of Abuse Assays Cross-Reactivity Manual by Generic Name, March 2005 COMPOUND (Generic Name) COMPOUND (Trade Name) RESULTS Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Acetaminophen (See als

Microsoft word - 260

Elcometer 260 Surefire® Fluorescenator UV Pinhole Flashlight The Elcometer 260 Surefire® Fluorescenator UV Pinhole & Porosity Detection Pinhole Flashlight provides a quick, low cost method of testing coatings for pinholes. Developed for the industrial and marine the failure of the coating. A markets, the Elcometer 260 features a six watt purple Class 1 light emitting diode. Th

Intensive lipid lowering with atorvastatin in patients with stable coronary disease

The new england journal of medicineIntensive Lipid Lowering with Atorvastatin John C. LaRosa, M.D., Scott M. Grundy, M.D., Ph.D., David D. Waters, M.D., Charles Shear, Ph.D., Philip Barter, M.D., Ph.D., Jean-Charles Fruchart, Pharm.D., Ph.D., Antonio M. Gotto, M.D., D.Phil., Heiner Greten, M.D., John J.P. Kastelein, M.D., James Shepherd, M.D., and Nanette K. Wenger, M.D., for the Treatin

Gas 31#5 2000

Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 31: 490–497 © November 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia Medical Position Statement: The North American Society for Pediatric Helicobacter pylori Infection in Children: Recommendations for*Benjamin D. Gold, †Richard B. Colletti, ‡Myles Abbott, §Steven J. Czinn, ࿣Yoram Elitsur,¶Eric Hassall, #Colin Macar


PATIENT REGISTRATION Patient Information: Today’s Date:_____________ E-mail Address:_______________________________________________ Home Phone #__________________ Cel Phone #___________________Work Phone #___________________ Ext #______ Name______________________________________ I prefer to be cal ed_____________________Birthdate_______________ Address___________________________


GREY EMEA LANDS HAT-TRICK AT EACA EURO EFFIES Grey EMEA Named Agency Network of the Year Third Year Running Brussels, September 26 2007. Grey EMEA scooped Agency Network of the Year for the third consecutive year at the EACA Euro Effie awards ceremony held in Brussels tonight, after landing eight trophies in six categories including long-term effectiveness, FMCG, brand activation and soci

Professor dr

Professor Dr. med. Wilhelm Rimpau, Berlin Ärztliche Facette sieht so die Zukunft die Arzt – Patient - Beziehung aus? Öffentliche Werbung in Berlin für eine Pharmastudie: „Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie unter Epilepsie leiden“ . „bitte melden Sie sich bei .“. Doc Check/Newsletter 03/16 : „Mit Robotec auf Visite“: „Dr. Robot“, hergestellt von der Firma InTouch Health,

Microsoft word - gkb - 201

GKB: 2011 JOB GOAL: To lead students toward the fulfillment of their individual potential for intellectual, emotional, and psychomotor growth and maturation by teaching subject matter and skills which will contribute to their development as mature, able, responsible men and women in a democratic society. PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES AND EXPECTATIONS: The teacher understands the cen


Retail Prescription Program Drug List Low-cost prescriptions make a difference 90-Day Prescriptions At Walmart, we don’t think you should have to choose between Taking a regular prescription? Ask your doctor if you can refil it groceries and the medicines you need. Our $4 prescriptions save 3 months at a time. At only $10, our 90-Day prescriptions save you American families hundreds o

Microsoft word - q110earnings_pr_04_21_10.doc

For Immediate Release Genzyme Reports Financial Results for the First Quarter of 2010 -------------------------- Provides Update on Product Supply and Consent Decree Terms CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – Genzyme Corp. (NASDAQ: GENZ) today reported that first-quarter revenue was $1.07 billion, compared with $1.15 billion in the same period last year, reflecting limited shipments of Cer


Casos Prácticos ASPECTOS GENERALES Moralidad de los actos humanos Exposición del caso: El viernes por la tarde, Lorenzo se reúne con sus amigos para ver una cinta de vídeo. La película resulta ser "El Doctor Zhivago". La acción se sitúa en la Revolución rusa. La joven protagonista es una chica guapa, buena, con gran corazón, a la que los acontecimientos maltratan

Fifth-wheel campers grande prairie

Fifth-Wheel Campers Grande Prairie Fifth-Wheel Campers Grande Prairie - Fifth wheel campers are trailers which are towed by pick up trucks using a specializedattachment mounted on the bed of the truck. This allows the camper to be mounted over the rear axle of the pick up and hencethe truck supports the weight of the camper. Among the best methods to see wonderful views without spending lots o

Lwwus_ijg_201172 1.7

Risk Factors and Incidence of Ocular Hypertension AfterFaik Oruc¸oglu, MD,* Eytan Z. Blumenthal, MD,w Joseph Frucht-Pery, MD,wwhich surgeons face after corneal transplantation surgery. Purpose: Ocular hypertension is a potentially serious complicationSince computerized visual field examination and optic nerveafter penetrating keratoplasty (PKP). Our objective is to determinevisualization a

Microsoft word - prova de gastroenterologia_grafica.doc

Gab Único RESIDÊNCIA MÉDICA – GASTROENTEROLOGIA – DEZEMBRO DE 2006 GA 08. Marque a droga de escolha para o tratamento GA 01. Paciente com sintomas dispépticos, apresenta à endoscopia digestiva alta, processo inflamatório comprometimento do antro gástrico e teste da urease positivo. Principal hipótese diagnóstica para esse GA 09. O tratamento da estrongiloidíase não complicada


Actinomycoses . (voir Mycoses)Amibiase. Amibes. ( voir aussi Traitement court de l'. hépatique par le tinidazole. A proposde 10 cas. Epidémiologie des parasitoses intestinales au Laos (avec dosage desanticorps antiamibiens). . Premiers cas de kératites à amibes libres du genre . . hémolytique associée à une salmonellose mineure chez unecongolaise VIH positive déficitaire en G6PD. . Pa

Sept 06 fs.xls

Green Party of Canada 10-23-06 Accrual Basis Profit & Loss YTD Comparison September 2006 Jan - Sep 06 4-0500 · Federal Government 4-1000 · Contributions 4-2000 · Monthly Contributions 4-3000 · Transfers In 4-8000 · Other Income Total Income Cost of Goods Sold 5-5500 · Transfers Out Total COGS Gross Profit 6-1000 · Advertising 6-1300

Microsoft word - cooper-lee daubert, 2005-03-05.doc

SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO EXCLUDE TESTIMONY OR IN THE Comes now the Defendant, and states the following in support of Defendant’s motion to exclude testimony of State witnesses concerning the diagnosis of so-called “Shaken Baby Syndrome” in this case, pursuant to Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 U


Rhodophyta (Rotalgen)EuglenophytaChlorophyta (Grünalgen)ChrysophytaPhaeophyta (Braunalgen)Pyrrhophyta oder Dinophyta (Dinoflagellaten)LiteraturAlgen sind kein Taxon im Sinne biologischer Systematik. Die Bezeichnung entstammt derUmgangssprache und hat eine lange Tradition. Sie umfaßt eine Reihe in sich weitgehendeinheitlicher, untereinander aber sehr verschiedener Gruppen. Ihnen rechnet manüb


A frontal assessment battery at bedside B. Dubois, MD; A. Slachevsky, MD; I. Litvan, MD; and B. Pillon, PhD Article abstract— Objective: To devise a short bedside cognitive and behavioral battery to assess frontal lobe functions. Methods: The designed battery consists of six subtests exploring the following: conceptualization, mental flexibility, motor programming, sensitivity to interfe

Microsoft word - gra-mexican patents-01-12-03.doc

0 6 5 0 0 M E X I C O , D . F . M E X I C O T E L : ( 3 3 - 1 ) 4 2 - 6 0 - 2 7 - 0 0 F A X : ( 3 3 - 1 ) 4 2 - 6 0 - 2 7 - 1 3 E - m a i l : m a i l c e n t r a l @ g o o d r i c h ri q u e l m e . c o m h t t p : / / w w w . g o o d r i c h r i q u e l m e . c o m Important notice for patent owners for pharmaceuticals in Mexico Last September 19, 2003, President Fox administration a

Material safety data sheet

Masters A-Plus Page 1 of 4 Preparation Date: March 30, 2011 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ====================================================================================== SECTION I – PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ====================================================================================== Product name: MASTERS A-PLUS Product use: Anaerobic adhesive

Microsoft word - lk-c-a_11.doc

A b i t u r p r ü f u n g 2 0 1 1 Arbeitszeit: 240 Minuten Der Fachausschuss wählt jeweils eine Aufgabe aus den Aufgabenblöcken A, B und C zur Bearbeitung aus. Als Hilfsmittel dürfen das Periodensystem, ein zugelassener Taschen-rechner und eine vom Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus ge-nehmigte, unveränderte physikalische Formelsammlung verwendet werden. Bei jeder Teilaufgab

Tooth whitening.pub

Over time, your teeth can become stained and “yellow” as a result of diet, environmental and lifestyle factors such as smoking and red wine. There are many different methods used to help whiten your teeth, and as you will find, some work much better than others. Tooth whitening refers to anything that can change the shade of your teeth and generally relies on some form of “bleaching” pro


Consists of 6 nozzle and receiver sets that are color coded for quick identification of mating parts. Each color nozzle and receiver will only couple with their matching color component. This providescomplete protection against cross contamination. • Maximum flow rate of 45 gpm at 70 PSI • Working pressure rating: 200 PSI Fittings ENBL Nozzle with Plug Part # No

Microsoft word - 7h - the biphosphonates delusion.doc

The first publications about biphosphonates , which were initially named diphosphonates, were available in 1969, now more than 40 years ago. Biphosphonates are internalized by osteoclasts where they interfere with specific biochemical pathways (Russell, 2011). They enhance osteoclasts apoptosis and they inhibit osteoclasts attachment to the bone matrix (Dominguez et al., 2011). They are theref

International consensus on hereditary and acquired angioedema

International consensus on hereditary and acquired angioedemaDavid M. Lang, MD Werner Aberer, MD y; Jonathan A. Bernstein, MD z; Hiok Hee Chng, MD x;Anete Sevciovic Grumach, MD, PhD jj; Michihiro Hide, MD, PhD {; Marcus Maurer, MD Richard Weber, MD and Bruce Zuraw, MD yy* Allergy/Immunology, Respiratory Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohioy Department of Dermatology, Medical Universi


This list is revised once a year- not all products listed may be gluten free at time of sale due to manufacturer's changes since the last revision. This list is a guide only. Gluten Free - ALL WIC NUMBER ITEM DESCRIPTION ACETYL L-CARNITINE 400MG W ALA 200MG CAPSULES ADULT LOW STR ENTERIC ASPIRIN 500S EZOPEN Good as of 06/30/2009 This list is revised once a year- not all products list


Re-Printed by Courtesy of Joanna Kimball (Black Sheep CardiganCorgis) None of what I’m going to say is new or should be controversial (it’s well accepted by repro vets and every single repro vet I’ve talked to about this has said the same thing), but some of it is not necessarily part of the conventional wisdom that breeders tell each other. Both aspects of reproductive health–the “rig


Evidence Table for IV Magnesium Treatment for AsthmaIntravenous Magnesium for Acute Asthma: Failure to Decrease Emergency Treatment Duration or Need for Hospitalization(217 prior to exclusion) 120 participants (58 in magnesium group and 62 in control group) Description : Patients presenting with acute exacerbation of asthma to ED. Exclusion Criteria : Atherosclerotic heart disease, angina, che


Information about the GP Care Trans-rectal Ultrasound and Biopsy Why might I need to have a trans-rectal ultrasound and prostate biopsy? If the prostate gland is enlarged it can make it difficult to pass urine. You may need a trans-rectal ultrasound to let your consultant see any enlargement and it may provide further information as to the cause. The main types of prostate problem are


Relativzuchtwerte (Rangierung RZG) − Toechter basiert Relative Breeding Values (ranked by RZG) − daugRasse: Rotbunt nur aktive KB Bullen Breed: German Red Holsteins onlyZWS Termin: 20130409 Date of Evaluation: 20130409Rg Name Gen.Besond. HB−NR GJ Vater Mu.−Vater RZG RZM RZE RZS RZN RZR RZKm Toe Herd Si Milch Fett Fett ERk Gen.traits DEU−ID BY Sire MGS Dau Herd Re Milk Fat Fat P 1 El


Contact: Leslie J. Yerman msljy@lesliejyerman.com Emily Berlanstein eab2007@med.cornell.edu JAMA Article Looks at Data-Sharing in Clinical Trials for Heart Disease Discussion of When and How to Share Data, and When to Suspend a Study Authored by Dr. Jeffrey Borer of NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell NEW YORK (April 9, 2008) — How and when to share clinical trial data fo

Microsoft word - cqlc_xeloda_colorectal_2004.doc

CQLC-2004-09 Avis sur l'utilisation de la capécitabine (Xeloda®) dans le traitement du cancer colorectal métastatique ou avancé QUESTION Quelle est la valeur thérapeutique de la capécitabine (Xeloda®) dans le traitement du cancer colorectal métastatique ou avancé ? INTRODUCTION En 2003, au Québec, l’Institut national du cancer du Canada estime que 4500 nouveaux

To ensure you receive a complete and thorough evaluation, please provide us with the important background information on the following form

Name: _______________________________________________________________ Date:_____________ Age: Leisure activities, including exercise routines:_________________________________________________ Occupation, including activities that comprise your workday:____________________________________ Are you on a work restriction from your doctor? Yes No Are you latex sensitive? Yes No Do you s


Zoo Biology 19:393–403 (2000) Tuberculosis in Elephants in North America Susan K. Mikota,1 R. Scott Larsen,2 and Richard J. Montali3* 1Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species, New Orleans, Louisiana2Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and BiomedicalSciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado3Department of Pathology, Smithsonian Nat


CoPaCC - comparing PCCs, sharing best practice CoPaCC Thematic “PCC Statutory Transparency” November 2013 Foreword “A democracy requires accountability, and accountability requires transparency” “A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity” Ever since King John was made to sign the Magna Carta in 1215, the general trend over the following

Prp therapy revised.indd

Platelet-rich plasma therapy PRP therapy overview Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy uses the body’s own healing process to regenerate damaged tendons or liga- ments without surgery. The treatment involves an injection, or multiple injections over time, of the patient’s own blood to, a week following the PRP injection and throughout the plasma (with concentrated platelets)

Candidati al comitato scientifico definitivo_bis

ELENCO DEI CANDIDATI PER IL COMITATO SCIENTIFICO Mario Baroni Alessandro Bratus Paolo Bravi Lydia Carlisi Antonio Cascelli Rossana Dalmonte Catello Gallotti Antonio Grande Marco Lutzu Susanna Pasticci Marco Pollaci Egidio Pozzi Giorgio Sanguinetti Claudia Jane Scroccaro Gaetano Stella NOTIZIE SUI CANDIDATI CHE NON FACEVANO PARTE DEL PRECEDENTE COMITATO SCIENTIFICO ALESSANDRO BRATUS Anno prima isc


Überall im Internet und auch im Supermarkt nebenan, in der Apotheke oder im Reformhaus können Sie Ginseng-Produkte kaufen. Aber Ginseng ist nicht gleich Ginseng . Deshalb habe ich Ihnen einige Tips zusammengestellt, damit Sie für Ihr Geld ein gutes Produkt erhalten. Wenn sie weitere Fragen haben, rufen Sie mich bitte an: 05521-8490204 . Unter dieser Telefonnummer stehe ich Ihnen persönlic

El uso de terapia de reemplazo hormonal en la menopausia y el cáncer

El uso de terapia de reemplazo hormonal en la menopausia y el cáncer Puntos clave El uso de hormonas para la menopausia (a veces llamado terapia de reemplazo hormonal o uso posmenopáusico de hormonas) consiste en tomar estrógeno solo o estrógeno combinado con progesterona o progestina, una hormona sintética con efectos semejantes a los de la progesterona (vea la pregunta 2). La evide

Press release

Sandoz Inc. 506 Carnegie Center Drive, Suite 400 Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone +1 609 627 8500 Fax +1 609 627 8682 Sandoz initiates voluntary recall in the US of all 50mg/2mL and 250mg/10mL vials of Methotrexate Injection, USP due to the presence of glass particulates FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 27, 2010 - Princeton, New Jersey - Sandoz Inc. announced today it has initiated a voluntary

Real decreto 412/1996, de 1 de marzo, por el que se establecen los protocolos obligatorios de estudio de los donantes y usuarios relacionados con las tcnicas de reproduccin humana asistida y se regula la creacin y organizacin del registro nacional de

BOE núm. 72. Sábado 23 de marzo de 1996. 11253-11256 Real Decreto 412/1996. Protocolos de Estudio Donantes de Gametos y Usuarios de Técnicas de Reproducción Asistida 6644 REAL DECRETO 412/1996, de 1 de marzo, por el que se establecen los protocolos obligatorios de estudio de los donantes y usuarios relacionados con las técnicas de reproducción humana asistida y se regula la creaci

Powermeter / universalmessgeräte / multifunktionsanzeigen

SINEAX A210, A220, A230s, A230Multifunktionale LeistungsmessgeräteRationell und preiswert messen48 Messgrössen, 8 Energiezähler, Mittel- und Extremwertfunktionen. Das elektrische Netz lässt sich so in allen 4 Qua-dranten umfassend beurteilen. AnzeigenDie Messwerte werden durch kontrastreiche 14 mm hohe, dimmbare LED-Anzeigen mit 3 Stellen und Vorzeichen (Energiezähler 8-stellig, Frequen

Microsoft word - 9.1848.doc

1. Identification of the Substance/Preparation and of the Company/Undertaking Product name: Bowcare Buttermilk Soap 75g Product code: 9.1848 Company name: GPP Hygiene Emergency tel: 01773 596700 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Contains: Aqua, Tetrasodium EDTA, Glycerin, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Palm Kernelate, CI 77891, Perfume, Sodium Tallowate, Tetra


President Bob Domine called the meeting to order and read the Agenda. Recognition Awards were present by Bob Domine and VP Volunteers Linda Domine to volunteers who made extra efforts in their volunteering to GAOC for the past year. The following volunteers were given certificates of appreciate plus one year of free GAOC membership and an extra volunteer coupon good for one free meet. Shawn Calla

Position paper _1_.doc

GREAT RIVERS ENVIRONMENTAL LAW CENTER POSITION PAPER USE OF SPRAYING TO COMBAT WEST NILE VIRUS I. PESTICIDES USED BY ST. LOUIS CITY AND COUNTY This summer, St. Louis City and County officials are once again responding to concerns of West Nile Virus (WNV) by spraying pesticides aimed at adult mosquito populations. News sources have kept residents well-informed of the potential da

Case 3:10-cv-20007-drh-pmf document

Case 3:10-cv-11265-DRH -PMF Document 2 Filed 07/01/10 Page 1 of 18 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EAST ST. LOUIS DIVISION ------------------------------------------------- X ---------------------------------------------------- Plaintiff, INC. (formerly known as Berlex, Inc. and Berlex Defendants. Plaintiff, JENNY COCHRAN, (hereafter "Pl

09 ahmetuygun

Non-Alkolik Ya¤l› Karaci¤erHastal›¤›nda (NAYKH)2008’de Tedavi Nas›lOlmal›d›r?GATA Gastroenteroloji Bilim Dal›, AnkaraKaraci¤er ya¤lanmas› ve onun daha ciddi for- kontrolsüz az say›da çal›flma vard›r. Tedavide kullan›-mu olan non-alkolik steatohepatitis (NASH)lan ajanlar›n, uzun dönemdeki etkileri, güvenilirlilik-ilerlemifl toplumlardaki en yayg›n karac


Informationsschreiben zur Pandemie Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation wollen wir sie über die H1N1-Influenza informieren. In Österreich befinden wir uns seit Anfang August offiziell in der Mitigationsphase. Vorher wurde versucht (Containmentphase) die Verbreitung möglichst zu stoppen, nun wird angestrebt die Verbreitung möglichst einzudämmen. So werden nicht mehr alle Erkrankten in


Prepared for 18th International Genetics CongressBeijing, August 15, 1998, Revised September 9 Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USAThis has been a great Congress, with state of the art science and intellectual ferment. Allof you in the audience have had the opportunity to share my excitement. I regret not being here to give my talk at the scheduled time on A

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The GLENBOURNE COVENANT WITH THE NATIONAL TRUST. A Covenant with the National Trust was duly signed by all parties and a certificate to commemorate the occasion was presented to the Club by the National Trust on the 25th September 1999 at Glenbourne. formerly of 23 Cook Street Crawley but ) now of Glenbourne, Old Ellenbrook Road ) Margaret River in t

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O cigarro é um dos produtos de consumo mais É o indivíduo que convive com fumantes e inalam a vendidos no mundo. Comanda legiões de compradores leais e fumaça de derivados do tabaco em ambientes fechados. tem um mercado em rápida expansão. Satisfeitíssimos, os Poluição Tabagística Ambiental (PTA), é a poluição decorrente fabricantes orgulham-se de ter lucros impressionant

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Abstract Professional Career of the Invitee: Shotgun DNA sequencing bearing fruits: probing the dynamics of genome size Professor of Molecular Biology and Director Joachim (Jo) Messing DNA sequencing reactions can result in the determination of a Professional Experience (selection) contiguous order of bases of up to around 1,000 nucleotides. To 1988-present: Direct

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TERRASANTA con Monte Sinai e Giordania 18 – 26 febbraio 2012 9 Giorni – 8 Notti Volo di linea da Milano Linate La quota individuale di partecipazione comprende: volo di linea a/r Milano Linate - Tel Aviv in classe economica (via Roma) e tasse aeroportuali sistemazione in hotels 4 stelle in tour e 3 stelle a Santa Caterina in camere doppie trattamento di pens

For immediate release / embargoed until [date]:

For immediate release New EASL data shows Investigational Medicine 'Victrelis'™ Gives Significantly Higher Cure Rates When Added to Peginterferon Alfa-2a and Ribavirin In Treatment-Failure Patients with Chronic HCV Genotype 1 Compared to Control EASL Data also shows Four-Week Lead-In Response and IL28B Status Helped Define Likelihood of Achieving SVR With 'Victrelis' Add


ADDITION OF BEVACIZUMAB TO CAPECITABINE IMPROVES PROGRESSION-FREE SURVIVAL IN ELDERLY PATIENTS Key Points: • The addition of bevacizumab to capecitabine significantly prolonged progression-free survival in elderly patients with previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer who were not considered candidates for oxaliplatin- or irinotecan-based chemotherapy. • No d


Merkblatt: Prostatakrebs Früherkennung Prof. Dr. med. Franz Recker, Chefarzt Urologie Aarau Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Gasser, Chefarzt Urologie Kantonsspital Liestal Prostatakrebs ist die häufigste Krebsart des Mannes und kann die Lebensqualität einschränken und sogar tödlich sein Prostatakrebs kann diagnostiziert werden bevor es zu Beschwerden kommt. Nur frühzeitig entdeckter Pr


Viral infections of the central nervous system The project involves clinical studies of viral infections of the central nervous system (CNS) in children and adults: mainly varicella zostervirus (VZV), herpes simplex virus type 1 encephalitis (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) meningitis and pediatric viral encephalitis. The studies focuse on diagnosis with quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PC


Information till patienter som GRÅSTARR ska opereras för grå starr Vad är grå starr? Grå starr innebär att ögats lins grumlats. Vid grå starr försämras synförmågan al teftersom linsen blir mera ogenomskinlig. Hur behandlas grå starr? Operation är den enda behandlingsmetoden. Vid ingreppet avlägsnas den grumlade linsen, vanligen med ultraljud, genom ett litet snit

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Lecturers and Participants Prof. Dr. Robert Bednarz Department of Geography - Texas A&M University, USA Prof. Dr. James F. Petersen Department of Geography - Texas State University, USA Dr. Anna Lyth Prof. Dr. Min Wang Department of Geography – Beijing Normal University, China Dr. Ueli Nagel Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland Mr. Wolfgang Pekny


PROYECTO DOCENTE ASIGNATURA: "Drogodependencia" Titulacion: LICENCIADO EN MEDICINA (Plan 2001) DATOS BÁSICOS DE LA ASIGNATURA/GRUPO Titulación: Año del plan de estudio: 2001 Asignatura: Código: Período de impartición: Horas totales (ECTS): Créditos totales (LRU): Créditos LRU teóricos: Créditos LRU prácticos: Departamento: Dirección po

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2002-04-26 – Was zum Lachen Noch einen schönen Arbeitstag und ein schönes Wochenende. Tsching Peng, ein kleiner Chinese aus Hongkong, war Koch auf einem Schiff. Da er so gutmütig war, trieben die Matrosen immer wieder ihre derben Scherze mit ihm. Peng lächelte und beklagte sich nicht. Schließlich meinten die Matrosen: "Du bist ein braver Kerl, von heute an werden wir dich in Ruhe la

Bevacizumab versus ranibizumab — the verdict

T h e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e Bevacizumab versus Ranibizumab — The Verdict For 5 years, patients and clinicians have wrestled In this issue of the Journal , Martin and col-with the choice between two drugs for the treat- leagues7 provide such evidence in their findings ment of neovascular age-related macular degen- from the first year of the Comparison of AM

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Immunity under Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act Prepared by Office of General Counsel Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) (August 31, 2009) ISSUE: What is the PREP Act and what immunity does it provide? ANSWER: The federal Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, 42 United States Code sec. 247d-6d, creates immunity from tort

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VANADIUM Atomic number Crystal form Oxidation states Atomic weight Electrical resistivity (20°C) Electronegativity, Pauling CAS number Enthalpy of melting Specific heat (25°C) Boiling point Enthalpy of vaporization Thermal conductivity (25°C) V 3380°C Melting point Ionization potential Specific gravity (20°C) bp/mm (mp) COMPOUNDS C20H18


PLANO DE URBANIZAÇÃO DA ZONA ENVOLVENTE DA VIA 8 R E G U L A M E N T O (Resolução do Concelho de Ministros n.º 8/97 de 16 de Janeiro c/ alteração registada pela Declaração n.º 298/2002 (2ª série) – D.R. N.º 226 – 30 Setembro de 2002 ) Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 8/97 c/ alteração registada pela Declaração n.º 298/2002 (2ª série) – D.R. N.


Women too often suffer in silence over hair loss -- Newsday.comnewsday.com/services/newspaper/printedition/saturday/act2/ny-act2spd5612973mar15,0,439038.story Newsday.com Women too often suffer in silence over hair loss Carmen Armstrong's auburn hair was always very thick and shoulder length. But a few years ago, Armstrong, 60, of Freeport, noticed a change. Her hair started falling out


NYSED requires an annual physical exam for new entrants, students in Grades K, 2, 4, 7 and 10, Interscholastic athletics, working permits, and triennially for the Committee on Special Education (CSE). A dental health certificate is also requested. PHYSICIAN’S HEALTH APPRAISAL FORM Chappaqua Central School District Name: _________________________________________________ Date

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[Name of Clinic] [Name of Doctor] Patient Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ____________ Review of Systems Have you had any of the following pulmonary (lung-related) issues? □ Asthma/difficulty breathing □ COPD □ Emphysema □ Other ____________ □ None of the above Have you had any of the following cardiovascular (heart-related)

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Positive Feedback And Self-Esteem Introduction According to self-enhancement theory individuals are influenced to maintain their self-esteem in an optimistic way (Ryckman, 2004). Rogers (1959) explained that an individual’s self-concept may be viewed in both the experience of self and the ideal self . Self-discrepancy theory implies that individuals become distressed when our ‘a

Gia colon prep

GASTROENTEROLOGY CONSULTANTS , P.C. BRIAN D. CLARKE, M.D. SUSAN A. WOLFE, FNP, C You are scheduled for a colonoscopy on ______________________, ____________________ 201_ . Report to outpatient registration at _________ a.m./p.m. at  Community Hospital North at 7150 Clearvista Pkwy, Phone (317) 621-5193  Carmel Endoscopy Center at 13421 Old Meridian St, Phone(317) 706-1600 You

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Comparison of VACUETTE® Serum Gel tubes with Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) in Serum Background: Greiner-Bio-One, Austria has sold plastic evacuated tubes (VACUETTE®) for venous blood collection VACUETTE® Gel Tubes incorporate an inert gel material into the blood collection tube. These gels have a controlled viscosity and a specific gravity intermediate to serum and clot. During ce

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Merlot Response to Sprinkler vs Drip Irrigation and Cluster Thinning It is well known that water stress can be harmful to grapevines and fruit quality, but recent research has shown that mild water stress can improve fruit quality for wine making. As a result, regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) is being widely adopted to cause and control vine water stress. Their adoption is not straight forw


‘Peel Chair’. Photo courtesy of thisisfurniture.com, 27 Hampstead Road, London NW1 3JA, UK. Tel: 020 7388 8871The selection of the right targets for drug executives to believe that there will soon be abeen the case in the past, and it will probablydiscovery is one of the key decisions in pharma-revolutionary improvement in the industry’scontinue in the foreseeable future. Prices o

Conference title, upper and lower case, bolded, 18 point type, centered

Integrated Components for Optical QPSK Transmission Reinhold Noé (1), Timo Pfau (1), Yakoov Achiam (2), Franz-Josef Tegude (3), Henri Porte (4) (1) Univ. Paderborn, EIM-E, Warburger Str. 100, D-33098 Paderborn, Germany, noe@upb.de; pfau@ont.upb.de (2) CeLight Israel Ltd., Rotem Industrial Park, Doar Na Arava, Israel, yachiam@celight.com (3) Univ. Duisburg-Essen, Lotharstr. 55, ZHO,


North American Ginseng and Your Health Ginseng is a green, perennial herb that is mainly grown for its root. Although there are many so-called ginsengs on the market today, in botanical terms, there are Respiratory Circulatory only two authentic types: North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Asianginseng (Panax ginseng) . Digestive Reproductive North American and Asi


MODULE 3 : Étiologie TABLE DES MATIÈRES Anomalies des neurotransmetteurs dans les démences - relation avec les SCPDAnomalies du système cholinergique dans les démencesAnomalies du système dopaminergique dans les démencesAnomalies du système noradrénergique dans les démencesAnomalies du système sérotoninergique dans les démencesAnomalies des concentrations de glutamate d

Die effizienz von curationes mirabilis

Studie medipharm GmbH: Scheckheftnutzung 2007/2008 Vorbemerkung Im Auftrag der GFIdirekt (Verlag für das Methodische Hinweise PraxisScheckheft Curationes mirabiles) führte die medipharm GmbH eine Effizienzanalyse zu Mailings Beobachtungszeitraum : Jan. bis Dez. 2007Nachbeobachtung: Juli 2008Untersucht wurde die Umsatzentwicklung für Datenquellen : Nominative Muster- und Servi


PFIZER INC. A Pfizer é uma empresa de origem norte-americana que pesquisa, desenvolve, produz e comercializa produtos nas áreas de saúde humana e animal e de consumo . Possui 100 unidades industriais espalhadas pelo mundo e estácomercialmente presente em 150 países. No Brasil desde 1952, a Pfizer emprega atualmente no país cerca de1.400 funcionários. Entre os produtos comercial


49. Geromeri : Testament of Neilos Erichiotes for theMonastery of the Mother of God Hodegetria in Geromeri Edition employed : Basiles Krapsites, Thesprotika , vol. 2 (Athens, 1972), pp. 160–68, with text at Manuscript : Ms. Geromeri library (19th c.)1The monastery of the Mother of God Hodegetria is located above the modern town of Philiatesnorth of Igoumenitsa in the northwestern co

Ica summative

FACULTY OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY MEDICAL PROGRAM YEAR 3 MED 3 SUMMATIVE MEQ PAPER 1 QUESTION COPY Thomas Werner is a 50 year old man with insulin requiring Type 2 diabetes who presents to the Emergency Department with severe left loin pain and high fevers of 24 hours duration. He looks very unwell and his temperature is 39°C. His blood pressure is 80/50 mmHg and his heart rat

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Summary of Events sponsored by Hospira For the period 1st of April 2012 - 30th September 2012 Number of events held: 575 Total cost of Number of Total cost of Description of Event Description of attendees Hospitality Provided hospitality attendees Intensivists, Intensive Care Staff Food and BeveragesCoffee. in conjunction with Royal Australian and New Zealand Consultan

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First Aid For Vomiting and/or Diarrhea (gastroenteritis) Copyright 2006 Adele C. Monroe, DVM, MSPH Notice: This is first aid treatment only. When you choose to treat an animal without having it examined by a veterinarian at the time of the illness, you assume responsibility for the treatment and the outcome. For the first aid treatment of vomiting and/or diarrhea—including foul-smelling, liqu


research note Marketing ideology and criticism: Legitimacy and legitimization Abstract. The analysis of the dialectical relationships between marketing ideology and criticism is supported by the distinction between legitimacy and legitimization. Marketing ideology is defined as a relatively stable set of arguments that provide legitimacy to marketers and the market economy. However it

Proposta de serviços medicina certa e preventiva

O QUE É GRIPE SUÍNA? É uma doença respiratória causada pelo vírus GR IPE SUÍNA (H1N1) influenza A, denominado H1N1. Ele é diferente do COMO A INFECÇÃO DE HUMANOS COM GRIPE H1N1 totalmente humano que circula nos últimos anos, SUÍNA PODE SER DIAGNOSTICADA? por conter material genético dos vírus humanos, de Para diagnosticar a infecção, uma amostra de aves

Progressive mandibular midline deviation after difficult tracheal intubation

Progressive mandibular midline deviation after difficult trachealintubationJ. Mareque Bueno,1,2 M. Fernandez-Barriales,3 M. A. Morey-Mas4,5 and F. Hernandez-Alfaro6,71 Associate Professor, 6 Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Universitat Internacional deCatalunya, Barcelona, Spain2 Staff, 3 Visiting Resident, 7 Director, Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery, Teknon Medical


A irport pick up C ultural events, festivals Cusco airport pick up is arranged by the school. In June 2nd & 3rd Corpus Christi (Catholic event with case of a delayed arrival in Cusco you should take a indigenous influences), June 24th Inti Raymi (Theater spectacle based on Old Inca tradition of adoration of Additional airport pick up is available in Lima for the sun, the winter s


Rational Antitrust Policy and Reverse Payment Settlements in Hatch-Waxman Patent Litigation This Article examines the problem of “reverse payment” settlements in patent litigation under the Hatch-Waxman Act. A reverse payment settlement involves apayment from a branded pharmaceutical company to a generic manufacturer,usually in return for the generic manufacturer’s agreement to delay m

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Gene Bridges GmbH Im Neuenheimer Feld 584 69120 Heidelberg, Germany Tel + 49 (0)6221 13708 11 Fax + 49 (0)6221 13708 29 Email: contact@genebridges.com www.genebridges.com CONTENTS 1 Eppendorf tubes + manual 1. FRT-cm-FRT: PCR template (50 ng/µl, 20µl) 2. This manual Store tube at -20°C Please read The products listed in this manual are for research purposes only. They are no

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GUTSY Newsletter Issue 9 – North Wales and West Cheshire Summer GUTSY News GUTSY is jointly organised by healthcare staff and a small steering group of GUTSY members. Many of the Steering Group have been trained by Macmillan in listening and responding skills. You can anything you would like to discuss at the meetings. You can find more information

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The Use of Methadone or Naltrexone for Treatment of Opiate Dependence: An Ethical Approach Dr Ross Colquhoun, Doctor Health Science, Master Applied Science (Neuroscience), Bachelor Science Honors (Psych), Graduate Diploma Counselling and Psychotherapy Clinical Director, Addiction Treatment and Psychology Services, Australia Abstract The policy of Harm Reduction was adapted and imp


1. Identification —An acute viral disease of the respiratory tract characterized by fever, headache, myalgia, prostration, coryza, sore throatand cough. Cough is often severe and protracted; other manifestations areself-limited in most patients, with recovery in 2–7 days. Recognition iscommonly by epidemiological characteristics (current quick tests lacksensitivity); only laboratory procedur

Medication policy 2006

Administration of Routine and Emergency Medication and Introduction Management of student health conditions, including the administration of medication, is a courtesy provided by Gayndah State School consistent with our duty of care to: maximise the participation in school activities of students who require medication or special procedures for managing a health condition; and optimise the hea


NOUVELLE INFORMATION IMPORTANTE DE SECURITE Suspension de l’Autorisation de Mise sur le Marché des spécialités contenant de la rosiglitazone (Avandia®, Avandamet® et Avaglim®) dans l’Union Européenne L’Agence Européenne du Médicament (EMA) a finalisé la revue du rapport bénéfices-risques des spécialités contenant de la rosiglitazone (Avandia, Avandamet et Avaglim) nota


PRINTER-FRIENDLY VERSION AT GASTROENDONEWS.COM • Department of Medicine (Gastroenterology) Department of Medicine (Gastroenterology) The Mount Sinai School of Medicine The Mount Sinai School of Medicine Furthermore, suboptimal bowel preparation leads toprolonged procedure times, lower rates of cecal intuba-tion, reduced screening intervals, higher screeningcosts, and possibly, an


I Calming getting back to normal To control diarrhea, over-the-counter medication such as Lomotil (also known as diphenoxylate and atropine sulfate) or Imodium (loperamide) is often recommended. Though sometimes helpful, these agents usually just delay the diarrhea. Occasionally, bulk-forming agents such as It’s an embarrassing topic that we don’t like to discuss, but Metamucil an


FILOSOFÍA Y MANAGEMENT Un artículo anterior de esta serie1 señaló las razones que justifican hablar con propiedad. Allí se mencionó que los especialistas proponen atacar cualquier deficiencia al respecto por medio de la lectura la cual, además de contribuir a que se hable mejor, amplía los conocimientos. Luego agregaba: “Hace muchos años no era raro encontrar entre los cursos


Reducing Sensitivity to NoC Latency in NUCA Caches Pierfrancesco Foglia*, Giacomo Gabrielli*, Francesco Panicucci†, Marco Solinas* {foglia, giacomo.gabrielli, marco.solinas}@iet.unipi.it, f.panicucci@imtlucca.it Members of the HiPEAC European Network of Excellence Abstract proposed schemes [4, 5]. Taking into account theconsiderations derived from the performed analysis, we Non Unifo

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Un fin de semana cargado de actos. Los Corrales de Buelna será desde este viernes el centro de operaciones de la fiesta Guerras Cántabras, que llega a su décima tercera edición, quinta como Fiesta de Interés Turístico Nacional. Unas 1.500 personas integran las 13 legiones romanas y otras tantas tribus cántabras que se concentrarán este viernes a las ocho y media de la noche en el Circo M

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Working with visions of a sustainable society In the project Göteborg 2050 we developed visions of a future city and region of Göteborg in a sustainable world. Images of a long-term sustainable future were used in the project to stimulate an accelerated movement towards sustainability using a methodology called backcasting. The project Göteborg 2050 included components of researc


An Overview of Positive Homeopathy Research and Surveys The European Network of Homeopathy Researchers November 2006 This document has been produced by the European Network for Homeopathy Researchers (ENHR). The ENHR was established in 2004 with support from the European Council for Classical Homeopathy (ECCH). ECCH currently assists the ENHR in its secretarial work. The ENHR consists of

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Commento sull’articolo di Pigott H.E., Leventhal A.M., Alter G.S. & Boren J.J. (2010), Efficacy and Effectiveness of Antidepressants: Current Status of Research. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 79, 5: 267-279. Dr. Paolo Migone Condirettore della rivista Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane (1) Per contatti: e-mail migone@unipr.it L’articolo di Pigott et al . “Efficacy

Microsoft word - 20131216s39706.doc

Arrêté ministériel établissant la liste des substances et méthodes interdites pour l'année 2014 A.M. 16-12-2013 M.B. 10-01-2014 Erratum : M.B. 04-02-2014 Vu le décret du 20 octobre 2011 relatif à la lutte contre le dopage, Vu l'arrêté du Gouvernement de la Communauté française du 8 décembre 2011 portant exécution du décret relatif à la lutte contre le do

• Provide a grocery shower for the pastoral family. Finding their pantry stocked with staples required for the first few weeks or months is a meaningful expression of love, especially when they are often grieving the loss of relationships from their former congregation. • Introduce children of the pastor to their peers, making sure that they • Make a big deal of welcoming the new

The world

LA LISTA DE PROHIBICIONES 2012 ESTÁNDAR INTERNACIONAL El texto oficial de la Lista de Prohibiciones será mantenido por la AMA y será publicado en inglés y francés. En caso de discrepancia entre la versión inglesa y las traducciones, la versión inglesa publicada eprevalecerá. Esta Lista entrará en vigor el 1 de enero de 2012. Lista de Prohibiciones 2012 24 de ago

Feb_05 grr_news.qxd

Gold Ribbon Rescue February 2005 Golden Health Those Pesky, Itchy, Hot Spots Finally, if it already looks really horrible Lick granulomas Nearly 10 years ago, Eric and I got our firstwhen you catch it, head for the vet. Golden, Lulu, from Helen Dorrance. “Whathealth issues are we likely to encounter?” From GRR president Maura Phelan: “I havewe asked. “Hot spots and skin a

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INSTRUÇÕES SOBRE COMBATE AO BRANQUEAMENTO DE CAPITAIS E FINANCIAMENTO DO TERRORISMO I. OBJECTIVO As presentes instruções visam concretizar os pressupostos para o cumprimento dos deveres preventivos de combate ao branqueamento de capitais e financiamento ao terrorismo bem como sistematizar o procedimento para o seu cumprimento, tendo em atenção as especificidades das actividade


nature publishing group Bronchodilatory Effect of the PPAR-γ Agonist Rosiglitazone in Smokers With Asthma M Spears1, I Donnelly2, L Jolly2, M Brannigan1, K Ito3, C McSharry2, J Lafferty1, R Chaudhuri1, G Braganza1, P Bareille4, L Sweeney4, IM Adcock3, PJ Barnes3, S Wood5 and NC Thomson1 Smokers with asthma show a reduced response to inhaled subtypes in vitro and reduce inflammation

Murray's cv

Division of Gastroenterology Harper Hospital Detroit, Michigan 48201 Telephone: (313) 745-8601 EDUCATION: 1964 - 1968 BA Degree, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI MD Degree, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY Medical Intern, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, Bronx, NY Medical Resident, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, Bronx, NY Fellow in Gastroenterology, Albert Einstei


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 21600/41600 DATE OF PREPARATION SECTION 1 — PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER PRODUCT NAME MINWAX® High Performance Wood Filler (Part A), Natural MANUFACTURER'S NAME MINWAX Company10 Mountainview RoadUpper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Telephone Numbers and Websites Product Information Regulatory Information Medical Emergency

Microsoft word - clipping 9 fev 201

BEMFAM – Bem Estar Familiar no Brasil CEDOC – Centro de Documentação CLIPPING 09/fev./2011 Você sabia que crianças menores de 12 anos não podem entrar em uma lan house sem os pais? E que todo mundo que usa uma lan house deve se cadastrar antes de começar a usar a internet? Não? Pois estas e outras determinações estão na Lei 11.608, que rege o funcioname

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„Gier frisst Hirn. Gier ist die Sucht der Unglücklichen. Gier ist die Ursache der globalen Finanzkrise.“ Diese Aussagen sind überall zu lesen. Doch wissen Sie, welche Gier zu einem schleichenden Hirntot führt? Die Gier nach guten Gefühlen. Kennen Sie Prozac? Prozac ist ein Medikament mit dem Wirkstoff Fluoxetin. Das Medikament gilt als „Glückspille“. In den USA un


Impaired Health-related Quality of Life in PatientsTreated for Wegener’s GranulomatosisMIKKEL FAURSCHOU, LENE SIGAARD, JAKOB BUE BJORNER, and BO BASLUND ABSTRACT. Objective. To investigate whether patients with Wegener’s granulomatosis (WG) experience reduced health-related quality of life (HRQOL) after accomplishment of remission, and to study the influ-ence of WG-associated organ damag

Nutrition and ingredients 021209.xls

Sodastream Sodamix: Ingredients and Nutrition Information Per 8 oz. Serving of Finished Soda Highlighted Flavors Contain Caffeine and/or Phosphoric Acid Sodamix Flavor Flavor Type Carbohydrates (g) Sugar (g) Caffeine (mg) Protein (g) Calories Ingredients Sugar, Water, Caramel Coloring, Phosphoric Acid, Natural Flavors, Sucralose, Caffeine, Sodium Benzoate. Water, Caram

Microsoft word - apapdf04.doc

APA STYLE SHEET By Dr. Abel Scribe PhD The APA Style Sheet is a concise guide to using the style of the American Psychological Association in writing research papers. It is based on the current fifth edition of the APA Publication Manual . The latest version is atwww.docstyles.com. The Style Sheet is routinely updated; it is the product of many contributors. This version wasrevis

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Die ideale Ergänzung zur obligatorischen Unfallversicherung ALLEGRA ermöglicht individuell abgestimmte Leistungen für Kinder, Ju- gendliche, Hausfrauen, Arbeitnehmer, Senioren, selbständig Erwerbende und Rentner. Was versichert ALLEGRA? Ihre Vorteile auf einen Blick ALLEGRA greift da ein, wo die Leistungen Ihrer Grundversicherungen • Kapitalzahlungen im Invaliditäts-

Health services staff development

GORHAM SCHOOL DEPARTMENT ALLERGY PROTOCOL HEALTH SERVICES STAFF DEVELOPMENT 1. Prior to the beginning of the school year, all staff, including food service, transportation, custodial, and maintenance staff will be trained by the school nurse about the following topics: • OSHA standard for blood borne pathogens • General first aid procedures • Emergency cards, confidentiality


Présentation SOCAP " Société des candélabres et poteaux ", est une société Tuniso-Espagnole crée en 1987, leader des pays arabes et africains dans le domaine de fabrication de supports multifonctionnels à savoir les candélabres d'éclairage public, poteaux pour lignes aériennes. Technologie du PVC ARME Ils sont constitués d'un tube PVC épais, stabilisé au rayon

Microsoft word - new microsoft word document

DECRETO N.º 23/98 de 24 de Julho Havendo necessidade de regulamentar a Lei n.º 5/97, de 27 de Junho, no que se refere às operações de capitais em conformidade com o estabelecido no seu artigo 18.º; Nestes termos, ao abrigo das disposições conjugadas da alínea h) do artigo 110.º e do artigo 113.º, ambos da Lei Constitucional, o Governo decreta o seguinte: 1. Consideram-se opera

Apa ref gfjmr

Ganpat University-Faculty of Management Studies Journal of Management & Research (GFJMR) Referencing Guideline for Contributors The “APA style” is a generic author-date style for citing and referencing information in assignments and publications. There are many styles which follow the author-date convention, including the Harvard style and the Chicago Manual of Style. This gui

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